Ways out of violence

Welcome to the information portal!

On this website we provide information about domestic violence and the support infrastructure in the Bielefeld area. The information is aimed at people seeking advice, those affected by violence and those providing support, as well as professionals.

The content is provided by the association Psychologische Frauenberatung e.V., Bielefeld (Women’s counselling centre Bielefeld). Together with the Interventionsstelle gegen Häusliche Gewalt (intervention centre against domestic violence) we provide perspectives for people affected by violence. We see domestic violence as a form of violence which affects women* worldwide disproportionately more.

In our texts we use the term Women with an asterisk (*/gender star) as a form of inclusion for all women. Much of the provided information transcend gender.

I'll tell you what Freedom is to me. No fear. ― Nina Simone

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