Ways out of violence

The Violence against women support Hotline

You can contact the nationwide around-the-clock help hotline, free of charge and anonymously, and receive initial telephone counselling. An interpreting service for all languages as well as a sign language interpreter can be connected. The helpline also offers online and chat counselling.

Phone: +49 8000 116 016

Psychologische Frauenberatung e. V., Bielefeld (Women’s Counselling Centre)

The Women’s Counselling Centre Bielefeld supports women/LBTIQ* in case of acute and/or past violence through counselling, therapy, support and information. The services offered by the Women’s Counselling Centre are aimed at women* of all ages, in different ways of life, with and without a migration background. We offer counselling in German, English, French, Turkish, Russian and Polish.

Phone: +49 521 12 15 97 (Mon & Thurs 4-7 pm; Tues & Fri 10 am-1 pm)

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