Ways out of violence

Protection from threats: Women’s shelters

If you are being threatened and are afraid of further acts of violence, you can go to a women’s shelter. Women’s shelters offer women and their children safety and protection in acute threatening situations. The address of the shelters is anonymous. Women’s shelters are accessible around the clock, you can also take refuge at night. You (and your children) live together with other women and their children. Each family has their own space, each family provides for itself. The staff of the women’s shelter support, accompany and advise you (and your children) on the way out of violence and discuss your perspectives with you. You make the decisions. The length of stay in a women’s shelter varies and depends on the individual situation.

The women’s shelter of the AWO, Kreisverband Bielefeld e. V. can be reached at +49 521 521636.

The autonomous women’s shelter of the association Frauen helfen Frauen e. V. (women help women) in Bielefeld can be reached at +49 521 177 376.

Here you can get do a germany-wide women’s refuge search.

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