Ways out of violence

How do I support properly?

What support options are there?

For those affected, it can be particularly difficult to seek and accept support due to fear, feelings of shame or guilt. Friends, neighbours and colleagues are asked to show solidarity and signal their support.

There are many ways to support those affected. It is important to ask yourself: What possibilities of help can I offer? For example:

  • Establish contact: Do not do anything without consultation and against the will of the affected person – even if it is difficult for you. The only exception: acute threat or danger to the person concerned and their family.
  • Inform them about local support services: Police, women’s counselling centre, women’s shelters, if possible, offer to accompany them to one of the organisations.
  • Provide information about medical help and the possibility of documenting injuries, which can serve as evidence in the case of criminal charges.
  • Provide initial legal information or inform the person about the safety plan.
  • Remain a contact person even if the person concerned does not leave the relationship.

Important! In any case, even if you act with the best of intentions, this should never be done without the consent of the person concerned or over their head. Respect the wishes and needs of the person concerned and do not act on your own authority or without agreement. Unless there is imminent danger – then the police must intervene.

For your support, you can also contact the Women’s Counselling Centre, Bielefeld.

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