Leichte Sprache
Wege aus der Gewalt

Medizinischer Bereich

Relevante Studien: Folgeerkrankungen bei häuslicher Gewalt


Hellbernd, H, Brzank, P, Wieners, K, Maschewsky-Schneider, U (2004). Häusliche Gewalt gegen Frauen: gesundheitliche Versorgung. Das S.I.G.N.A.L.-Interventionsprogramm. Handbuch für die Praxis. Wissenschaftlicher Bericht. Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ). Berlin: Eigendruck.

Miller, E, McCaw, B (2019). Intimate Partner Violence. The New England Journal of Medicine; 380: 850–857.

Pastor-Moreno, G, Ruiz-Pérez, I, Henares-Montiel, J et al. (2020). Intimate partner violence and perinatal health: A systematic review. BJOG; 127: 537–547.

Stockman, JK, Hayashi, H, Campbell, JC (2015). Intimate partner violence and its health impact on ethnic minority women [corrected] [published correction appears in Journal of Women’s Health (Larchmt). Mar; 24: 256]. Journal of Women’s Health; 24: 62–79.

Homberg, C, Schröttle, M, Pauli, S, Bohne, M (2008). Gesundheitliche Folgen von Gewalt unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von häuslicher Gewalt gegen Frauen. Berlin: Robert Koch-Institut.

WHO – World Health Organization (2013). Global and regional estimates of violence against women: Prevalence and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence. Genf: WHO.

Körperliche Erkrankungen

Chronische Schmerzsyndrome

Wuest, M. Merritt-Gray, M. Ford-Gilboe, B. Lent, C. Varcoe, and J. C. Campbell (2008): Chronic pain in women survivors of intimate partner violence, Journal of Pain, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 1049–1057.

Dillon, G., Hussain R., Loxton, D., Rahman, S. (2013): Mental and Physical Health and Intimate Partner Violence against Women: A Review of the Literature, International Journal of Family Medicine, Vol 2013 (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/313909

Devries, K., Watts, C., Yoshihama, M. et al., (2011): Violence against women is strongly associated with suicide attempts:
evidence from the WHO multi-country study on women’s health and domestic violence against women, Social Science and Medicine, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 79–86.

Loxton, D., Schofield, M., Hussain, R., Mishra, G. (2006): History of domestic violence and physical health in midlife, Violence Against Women, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 715–731.

Hellbernd, H, Brzank, P, Wieners, K, Maschewsky-Schneider, U (2004). Häusliche Gewalt gegen Frauen: gesundheitliche Versorgung. Das S.I.G.N.A.L.-Interventionsprogramm. Handbuch für die Praxis. Wissenschaftlicher Bericht. Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ). Berlin: Eigendruck.


Goodman, Peggy E. (2009) : Intimate Partner Violence and Pregnancy, in: Mitchell C/ Anglin D.: Intimate Partner Violence – A Health Based Perspective, New York 2009, S. 253-264

Ludermir AB, Lewis G, Valongueiro SA, Barreto de Araujo TV, Araya R (2010): Violence against women by their intimate partner during pregnancy and postpartal depression: a prospective cohort study, in: The Lancet Volume 376, Iss 9744, September 2010, S. 903-910

Bacchus, L. et.al (2004): Domestic Violence: Prevalence in pregnant women and associations with physical and psychosocial health. In: European Journal of Obstretics Gynaecology and reproductive Biology, 2004; 113(1): S. 6-11

Howard L M., Oram S., Galley H, Trevillion K and Feder G (2010): Domestic Violence and Perinatal Mental Disorders: a Systematic Reviw and Meta-Analysis, PLoS Med 10(5); e1001452. doi:doi:10.137/journal.pmed.1001452

Psychische Erkrankungen


Spencer, C, Mallory, AB, Cafferky, BM et al. (2019). Mental health factors and intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization: A meta-analysis. Psychology of Violence; 9: 1–17.

Dillon, G., Hussain R., Loxton, D., Rahman, S. (2013): Mental and Physical Health and Intimate Partner Violence against Women: A Review of the Literature, International Journal of Family Medicine, Vol 2013 (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/313909

WHO – World Health Organization (2012). Intimate partner violence. Understanding and addressing violence against women. Genf: WHO.

WHO – World Health Organization (2013). Global and regional estimates of violence against women: Prevalence and health effects of intimate partner
violence and non-partner sexual violence. Genf:

Depression, Suizidalität, Posttraumatische Belastungsfolgen, Ängste

Devries, K.M. , Mak , J. , Bacchus , L. J.; Child , J. C., Falder , G. , Petzold , M., Astbury, J., Watts, C. H.(2013): Intimate Partner Violence and Incident Depressive Symptoms and Suicide Attempts: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001439 PLOS Collections

Pico-Alfonso, M.A., Garcia-Linares, I.M., Celda-Navarro, N., Blasco-Ros, C, Echeburúa, E., Martinez, M. ( 2006): The impact of physical, psychological, and sexual intimate mal partner violence on women’s mental health: depressive symptoms, posttraumatic stress disorder, state anxiety, and suicide, Journal of Women’s Health, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 599–611

Beydoun HA, Beydoun MA, Kaufman JS, Lo B, Zonderman AB (2012): Intimate partner violence against adult women and its association with major depressive disorder, depressive symptoms and postpartum depression: systematic review and metaanalysis. Social science & medicine (1982).75(6):959-975. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.04.025.


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